SloBowl United 2008

Slovenske podporne organizacije SNPJ, KSKJ in AMLA ter Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu vabijo k sodelovanju na prvem vseslovenskem bowling turnirju »SloBowl United«.

Turnir bo v soboto, 15. novembra 2008, ob 12:30 v prostorih Freeway Lanes v Wickliffu. Tekmujejo lahko vsi, ki so dopolnili 16 let in so člani ene od podpornih organizacij ali pač zgolj Slovenci po rodu.

Plačilo za sodelovanje znaša 25 dolarjev, iz tega denarja pa bodo kriti stroški najema prostora, družabno srečanje po prireditvi ter nagrade. Le-te se bodo podeljevale v kategorijah »mladi« – od 16. do 18 let, moški, starejši od 18 ter ženske, starejše od 18 let. Tekmovanje bo kombinirano s tako imenovanim handicap sistemom, ločeno za moške in ženske, tako da bodo vsi imeli možnost za uspeh.

Najboljši tekmovalci bodo imeli možnost, da se udeležijo gostovanja v Sloveniji, pri Bowling zvezi Slovenije, na turnirju v Ljubljani in Postojni predvidoma junija prihodnje leto. Koliko se jih bo lahko udeležilo turneje v Sloveniji, bo žal znano, ko bo znana višina denarne podpore iz Slovenije.

Obrazce za prijavo dobite na spletni strani


Za podrobnejše informacije ali prijave pa lahko kontaktirate tudi Franka Zalarja, tajnika turnirja, na telefonsko številko 1-440-943-3844, Janeza Nemca na tel. št. 216-541-7243, ali pa Generalni konzulat na telefonsko številko 216-589 9220.

Po turnirju bo v prostorih Istrskega kluba družabno srečanje s pogostitvijo in podelitvijo nagrad – ob glasbeni spremljavi Staneta Mejača.

SloBowl United 2008

Calling all Slovenian bowlers! American Slovenian bowlers, along with all members of KSKJ Life-American Slovenian Catholic Union, the Slovene National Benefit Society (SNPJ), and the American Mutual Life Assocation (AMLA) are invited to participate in SloBowl United, a first-ever bowling tournament open to members of these Slovenian fraternals and all Americans of Slovenian descent.


The event will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 15, 2008 at Freeway Lanes of Wickliffe in the Cleveland, Ohio area. U.S. residents of Slovenian heritage and all members of SNPJ, KSKJ Life, and AMLA who will be 16 years of age or older on November 15, 2008 are eligible to participate. Out-of-town bowlers are more than welcome; hotel rooms are being held in reserve for the occasion.


The entry fee of $25 will allow participants to bowl a three-game series and be eligible for both scratch and handicap prizes; at least 60% of entry fees will be returned in prizes in the following divisions: Youth (ages 16-18); Adult Men (ages 19 and up); and Adult Women (ages 19 and up). Handicapping will be gender based. Approximately one in three entries in each division will receive prize awards. For the adult divisions, prizes will be awarded in cash.


Because both scratch (actual score) and handicap prizes will be awarded, bowlers of various skill levels will have an excellent chance of success.


Entry forms can be downloaded from This web site will also carry updated information on the tournament and related events as it becomes available.


Freeway Lanes of Wickliffe is located at 28801 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092.


Who is eligible*:

1. Current members of AMLA, KSKJ Life, or SNPJ who are at least 16 years of age on November 15, 2008. Tournament participants must have been members of their respective Slovenian fraternal as of September 1, 2008.


2. United States citizens and legal residents who are of Slovenian descent to the extent that one parent or grandparent is or had been a Slovenian citizen or Yugoslav citizen living in Slovenia.


*The SloBowl United Organizing Committee reserves the right to interpret all tournament rules and eligibility requirements.




Immediately following the bowling tournament until 6:00 p.m., participants and friends are invited to a tournament social at the new location of the Istra Club on Euclid Ave. in Wickliffe, down the street from Freeway Lanes. We will have live music by Stan Mejac and plenty of food and beverages as we contine this celebration of the united Slovenian community. Awards will be presented to the tournament winners at that time.


Later in the evening, you may want to drop in for dinner or dancing at Sterle’s Slovenian Country House, 1401 E. 55th St. in Cleveland, where the Joey Tomsick Orchestra will be entertaining from 8 p.m. until midnight.



The top scratch and handicap finishers in each division will also qualify for a Slovenia-America bowling tournament planned to take place in Ljubljana and Postojna, Slovenia in June 2009. While it will not be possible to confirm available funding for this trip until early 2009, any grant money received by the SloBowl United committee will be used to defray travel expenses to Slovenia for the SloBowl qualifiers.


Thus, up to 20 top finishers in November’s SloBowl event could get a chance to travel to Slovenia for a fraction of the actual cost and take part in a unique tournament that will pit bowlers from the United States against those from Slovenia. American-style bowling has been gaining in popularity in Slovenia in recent years. This trip would include approximately a week-long tour of beautiful Slovenia.


Although the SloBowl United committee can make no guarantees regarding financing of a trip to Slovenia, we will issue updated announcements and tournament dates as information becomes available.



Entry forms and tournament rules may be downloaded from and are also being distributed among the SNPJ, KSKJ Life, and AMLA membership. Deadline for entries is Friday, October 31, 2008. Space is limited, and in case of a high response rate, entries received first will receive priority. The projected limit of entries is 150.



A block of rooms is being held at discounted rates* for SloBowl United participants staying Friday and/or Saturday night at the Comfort Inn-Wickliffe, just a few blocks from Freeway Lanes:


Comfort Inn

28611 Euclid Ave.

Wickliffe, OH 44092

Tel.: (440) 944-4030 Fax: (440) 944-6681


Room rates:

King-size bed: $65.99 plus tax per night

2 double beds: $75.00 plus tax per night (currently unavailable, but may become available)


*Discount rates are guaranteed if our group members reserve at least 10 rooms. Standard rates are $79.99 for a single King and $89.99 for two Doubles. A limited number of smoking rooms are available.


When reserving rooms, call the hotel directly and mention "SloBowl," as several other bowling groups have reservations there that weekend. These rooms are being held for us until November 7, so call before then. Please note that November 7 is also the last day to cancel rooms without being billed for them.


For additional information, contact a member of the SloBowl United Organizing Committee:


Dr. Zvone Žigon; Slovenian Consul General, Cleveland

Kevin Richards; SNPJ

Frank Zalar: (440) 943-3844;; Tournament Secretary

John Nemec: (216) 541-7243;; KSKJ Life
Phil Hrvatin; KSKJ Life

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